Friday, June 20, 2008

I'm so blacklisted

What is going on?? Is my company trying to oust me or persuade me to get the hell out?

Two or so weeks ago, I gave up my crackberry to a new hire and downgraded myself to an older one. Then I get a call from Telecom about my phone service plan. Apparently, I texted way too much last month so they changed my service and knocked me off the Enterprise plan. In so doing, I wasn't getting my work email, my personal email nor was able to surf the web. They have since corrected that issue. And then today, I'm banished from helping myself to the vitamin water in the frig on the fifth floor. I'll surely dehydrate in this vacuum of an office within an office. What am I going to hydrate myself with now? Bacteria filled tap water?

I thought my company was this one big happy family where sharing resources goes a long way but I guess not.

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