Friday, June 5, 2009

ack! what have I been doing?

okay, I'm a little behind here.

In a nutshell..

1) Finished off the Spring semester @ City in a frazzled rush
2) Left for Europe the following day
3) Explored Paris and attended my friend's wedding
4) Flew to Spain; explored Madrid before overnighting it by train to Barcelona. Night train was an adventure with a screaming baby and middle-aged women yelling at me in Spanish
5) Explored Barcelona off little sleep, no showering and lots of cafe con leches
6) Primavera Fest! Need I say more?
7) Returned home 30 hrs later for work the next day, bug-eyed and just as frazzled
8) Prepping for the start of TNT Summer, dodgeball, and triathlon training.
9) Officially back in the swing of things.

And my flat is still not habitable for another three months..