Thursday, July 31, 2008

when does "digg" become part of my job?

About once a month, my company has a mini meeting where the head honchos give us all an update on what's in the pipeline and how we are meeting budget compared to last month.

As always, online is growing and print is holding steady. So, what can we do to bring more traffic to our site and boost revenue? Why not get everyone in the company to create a Digg profile and start "digging"? Honestly, I don't have time to join yet another social networking site let alone read articles and give it a "Digg" or not. I want to get my work done rather than surf the web clicking on articles all day

Social networking sites are time vacuums. I should know, I'm on several social networking sites (facebook, myspace, friendster, flickr, linkedin, orkut, sportsvite, and yelp to name a few). One too many, I think. It's hard enough to keep track of what's going on with my friends and what's worthwhile to read that I find I spent most of my day following someone else's day and reading up on things that aren't currently useful to me now. Next thing I know, the day's over and I forgot to eat and it's time to go home. Bah! Someone else can digg. I don't have time.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

KTVU's tips for keeping cool during this short heat wave..

What parent would bath their child in alcohol? I would like to know..